Rabu, 17 September 2014

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Best GIMP Tutorials For Beginners And Experts

By: Unknown On: 4:31:00 PM
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  • Bad things happen. If you've ever worried that the over caffeinated tech might spill his latte down your web server, then today's How-To will help you out. Forgetting to back up your blog (or your website) is something that isn't a big deal until you need it - like backing up anything, really.

    With the extremely rapid mobile web app development in China, we need to create a new method to satisfy the demands for optimizing it, since JavaScript was not built for that. That is to say, there is no need to try to use JavaScript for tasks, such as photo or video editing, that compel it to surpass its limits. On the contrary, HTML5 specifies scripting APIs that can be used with JavaScript and CSS3 to provide animation. It offers developers APIs which are common and integrated for audio and video processing without installing any plug-ins.

    The simple tell-a-friend script could give you better mileage on your website. You can obtain most of these scripts for free. Just make sure that you get them from reliable sources to be sure that you're not creating security threats for your site. However, you can also have them customized by a seasoned programmer. You might need to pay them for their services, though. But then again, it is only a one-time deal. It's a good investment because you will be able to maximize your visitors once you have the script up and running.

    Tempting as it may be, don't start the script writing process until you have an idea of the overall story. If you don't know how the story is going to end, then writing will often feel like a frustrating and futile exercise Work out the wrinkles and story details before you begin; consider creating an outline for your script as part of the pre-writing process. Your outline doesn't have to be detailed—although it certainly can be! A few sentences summarizing what is going to happen in each scene will be more than sufficient.

    Today, Firefox 's Nightly channel received a pick me up in the form of its optimizer known as OdinMonkey. Baked into June's stable release of Firefox 22, this subset of Mozilla's rendering engine lets developers compile C or C++ to JavaScript by using Emscripten. This gives the code the potential to run within 2x its native performance. For those of you who've now gone cross-eyed, simply put this should give Firefox a hefty performance boost and open the door to more sophisticated browser-based games as well as faster web apps. For its inaugural offering, OdinMonkey is only available to Windows and Linux users, but the company says that OSX and ARM version are near completion.

    In practical terms, the DOM makes it easier to create Web pages with features that are more animated and functional. With scripts, authors can make Web pages process forms, launch pop-up menus and windows, and execute style changes on the fly. Without the DOM, authors would have to code separately for each scripting language to interact with each different browser. The DOM is meant to create a "write once, run everywhere" standard for Web page scripting.