Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014

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Webscripts On HubPages

By: Unknown On: 8:13:00 AM
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  • Preventing cross site script attacks is very important. You learn ways on preventing cross site scripting attacks can help you save and maintain your website and database. Firstly, you have to understand what CSS attack is before learning how to prevent it. There are security risks associated with dynamically created HTML pages.

    The most popular ad network for independent publishers is Google's AdSense program. AdSense is a "pay per click" (PPC) program, where you earn money each time one of your readers clicks on a Google-served ad. Since you earn money on clicks, rather than completed sales, PPC ad networks can provide a more reliable source of income for sites whose readers are not looking to make a purchase right away. Other notable PPC ad networks include the Yahoo! Publisher Network and Ad Voyager.

    Sometimes you may want to consider hiring a production company to create the video for you. If you take this route, it is important to watch over them during the planning process so as to get things right. Then again, if you're writing up a "how-to" or "motivational" script that revolves around your own expertise, you should write the script yourself. Just get the ideas on paper and then work with the production company to provide the final writing of the script.

    Hackers do not need direct access to a website's code to place XSS attacks; instead, they typically exploit user-entry fields in email attachments, comments and bulletin boards. XSS attacks exploit fields intended for users to enter text on a Web page by including code that loads an unauthorized script on the page which can hijack the browser and steal information. Web browsers do not allow scripts on one site to affect another, so XSS attacks won't work by loading one Web page inside another with an iframe. However, content like comments and bulletin board posts exist on the site itself, so script calls in the field work.

    Kita mungkin telah mengenal engine Wordpress, Joomla, atau Drupal. Mereka memang memberikan layanan yang cukup prima bagi pengelola website baik umum atau sekolah. Yang perlu kita ketahui dan sadari adalah ada karya hebat anak bangsa dalam membangun mesin website untuk sekolah yang sangat canggih dan lengkap, bahkan anda tidak perlu lagi mencari modul/ plugin untuk PPDB Online, Database guru, E-learning, Digital Library, hingga template. Seperti halnya website pada umumnya, berita menjadi salah satu fitur yang wajib ada. Demikian juga dengan sekolah yang memiliki banyak kegiatan. Webssite dapat dipergunakan sebagai media interaksi antara sekolah dengan pihak luar (Wali murid, Masyarakat, LSM atau pihak-pihak yang peduli dengan pendidikan). Script 15

    Bagaimana cara kita menghindari masalah ini? Cara paling sederhana untuk mengatasi serangan dari script jahat yang masuk dari situs Web adalah dengan cara mematikan semua fasilitas bahasa scripting. Perlu dicatat bahwa dengan matikan fasilitas bahasa scripting belum 100% mematikan serangan, terutama jika programmer tersebut masuk melalui fasilitas HTML untuk membuat Sialnya dengan mematikan semua fasilitas ini akan mematikan banyak fungsi Web browser, akhirnya kita harus memilih kapan kita mematikan & kapan menyalakan fasilitas ini untuk memperoleh fungsi yang lebih baik pada saat melakukan browsing.